Lomography Travelogue: Tokyo, April 2012

The first post of this series naturally goes to my first holiday with a camera of the analogue kind. In fact, it happened exactly 2 years ago on this date — a whirlwind of a 3-day company incentive trip. Exciting times (which were hidden from the camera’s lens). I have to admit that the photos aren’t … Continue reading


For want of a better title, I have decided to simply name it ‘Ivan’. Meet Ivan Tan, my junior from WKWSCI, the former roommate of my ex-boyfriend (freakish long story about this that I shall not tell), fellow Jon Chan fan, and possibly the best wedding photographer I have ever met. Wait. He doesn’t like … Continue reading

I Wanna Barack Your World.

White Pegacorn – Barack Your World. This is too good not to share immediately. White Pegacorn is actually Mike Shinoda and Mark Wakefield. Who’s Mark? Mark was the first vocalist of Linkin Park, back when they were in their first incarnation and called themselves Xero. Yes. It’s even further back than when they were called Hybrid Theory. … Continue reading

I Want You Again.

Nicholas Chim – I Want You Again MV from 29 Cornflakes on Vimeo. Move over, Damien Rice (and Lisa Hannigan). Allow me to introduce my friend Nick Chim to you guys. Nick is a very talented singer-songwriter (who used to play guitar in the band Vertical Rush (RIP)). I actually had no idea who he … Continue reading

Orchard Café Buffet.

Went for a buffet dinner at Orchard Café last night with Q and his family (sans the brother who is serving the nation). They had a decent selection of food, and I didn’t think it was anything out of the ordinary until we discovered the “kitchen” where a chef prepared satay and, get this, drunken … Continue reading

Cat Talk.

I cried when I watched this video for the first time. Then I cried when I watched it a second time. Then I kept hitting the replay button. This public service announcement produced by MAKE for the Animal Humane Society is truly compelling and even though we all know that animals can’t talk, they managed … Continue reading

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